EffPha is the leading CRO for early phase oncology
Efficient Pharma Management Corp. (EffPha) is a full-service CRO providing drug development services, including strategic and technical consulting, biostatistics, data management, regulatory dossier preparation and submission, and clinical study management and monitoring.
EffPha can help our clients to allocate development resources more efficiently and accelerate their drug development based on over 30 years of industrial experience in drug development related to regulatory strategies, clinical trial design and clinical strategies.
EffPha’s team of scientific and statistical experts specialize in clinical study design, and have utilized FDA’s designated Fit-For-Purpose (FFP) tool, BOIN study design, for several early phase oncology trials of our clients’ projects, which has increased flexibility and provided higher accuracy to identify the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) compared to traditional 3+3 study design for oncology drugs.
Recently, the agencies in Taiwan have commenced introducing the concept of BOIN study design and advocating its use in Phase 1 oncology studies which was demonstrated as efficient and was also recognized by the US FDA as a useful tool for drug development.
Visit us to learn how EffPha can help support your drug development projects at https://www.effpha.com/, and you can find more details of BOIN design on our website at https://www.effpha.com/news.php?act=view&no=25.
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